How to Edit a Layer Group
Start Select Plot Layers from the Cleanup toolbar and pick your viewport.
Pick the Type of Plot for Current Viewport group to edit from the Set Viewport Layer for Plotting dialog box. Then, pick Edit Configuration. The Plot File Editor dialog box will display the intended layers to be plotted and those that are not.
The HydraCAD layers to be plotted are in the Layers On column. The HydraCAD layers that will not be plotted are in the Layers Off column.
To add a HydraCAD layer to the “Layers On” column select the layer name from the Layers Off column and pick the green arrow. To remove a HydraCAD layer from the Layers On column select the layer name and pick the red arrow.
Save your changes when the Layers On configuration has been set as you require.
Select the Save button to save the revised group to the same name.
Select the Save As… button to save the revised group with a different name.