Insert Sprinkler
Layer(s) affected: SPRNKS
Alias: IS
Associated Commands: [Select Sprinkler] [Pick Current Head] [Insert Multiple Sprinklers] [Align Cross Hairs with Ceiling]
HydraCAD Ribbon: Insert Panel
Used to insert sprinklers, one at a time. Pick to insert. The inserted sprinkler will be the last sprinkler specified by Select Sprinkler or Pick Current Head.
*Tip* - To speed up head insertion in rooms with ceilings, try the following: Pick Insert Sprinkler first, then pick Align Crosshairs with Ceiling (not the other way around) and insert a head. This allows you to take advantage of the “right-click equals repeat last command” to insert the next head. The Align Crosshairs with Ceiling command is transparent so it will not interrupt the Insert Sprinkler command.
HydraCARDs (Troubleshooting)
For HydraCARDs regarding Insert Sprinkler: [Click Here]