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Introduction to the Stocklisting Process

The buttons on the Listing toolbar are to prepare your drawing for a stocklist. The HydraCAD drawing will be read by the AutoList program. It will gather information about your system such as pipe lengths and types, fittings, couplings, sprinklers, hangers, riser details, etc., and transport this information to the HydraLIST program in preparation for a stocklist report. The AutoList routine can be a complicated process, and for a successful migration of the data from the HydraCAD drawing to the HydraLIST program, you must perform the following steps to ensure that the transfer is correct:

1.       Make sure that you have followed the instructions for the previous toolbars in the preparation of your drawing. The pipes must be connected properly with no hanging ends or overlaps. The pipes must be in the correct layer. SPRKDAT1 for mains, SPRKDAT2 for lines, SPRKDAT3 for underground and SPRKDAT4 for armovers. All of the pipes must be dimensioned. Sprinklers must be inserted correctly. Sprinklers must be in the SPRNKS layer. All hangers must be in the HANGER layer. Riser pipes, couplings, and valves must be in the SPRNK2 layer. Successfully run the AutoCalcs program as described in an earlier chapter.

2.       When you ran AutoCalcs, you inserted a riser pipe at the location of the main system riser. This was to provide a vertical pipe for AutoCalcs to insert into the HydraCALC screen. This allowed for the addition of the riser fittings and valves necessary for the Hydraulics calculation. You will be listing the System Riser detail separately which will now make the riser pipe redundant, so the riser pipe itself will not be tagged for AutoListing.

3.       The drawing must be correctly Tagged for the AutoList process. The tags indicate where the AutoList process is to begin reading the drawing. Tags also indicate the type of pipe to be used and the fabrication method and fitting type. Tags may also be used to start or stop the AutoList program within different parts of the drawing.

4.       Before starting the AutoList program, make sure that you run the Check Ups routine found on the Listing toolbar. This version of Check Ups checks for Stocklisting related problems.

5.       When you run AutoList, the data from the drawing will be transported to the HydraLIST program. Here the data can be processed into a shop-ready format. You can refer back to the drawing at this point and see any errors that have been flagged. The cut lengths for the pipes and hangers also will be inserted into the drawing. After a successful AutoList has been produced, free of errors and warnings, the final HydraLIST stocklist printout can be processed according to your specifications.

Important Notes About Automatic Listing in General

1.       All pipes must have sizes on them. The program can usually fill in sizes if only one is missing, but do not rely on this.

2.       There are two ways the listing program decides what to list. A default way and through the use of override fittings. For example, you may want all your mains to be fabricated with standard grooved fittings and welded outlets. This would be the default set up. You may, however, want one or more of those fittings to be FireLock fittings, for these you would use Override Fittings which override the default method. Which fittings you decide to make defaults and which are overrides is up to you, but it would make sense to have the default method represent the most common situation.

3.       You can let this program tag and number all of your branch lines or you can do it manually. This works with certain fabrication methods which appear later in this chapter. The listing program will group identical branch lines and riser nipples depending on the settings used.