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Layer Control

A screenshot of a cell phone Description automatically generated

Pick Current: Pick a drawing entity to make it the current layer.

Pick Off: Pick the drawing entities whose layers you would like to turn OFF.

All On/All Off: All layers are turned ON or OFF with the exception of the current layer.

Pick to display Center Dimensions or Cut Dimensions.

Save/Restore On/Off Status: Saves current ON/OFF status of layers and saves them to a file. Useful during different stages of drawing process. Default file name is the drawing name with the “lay” extension. Use to create a base layer setup for a project, or to keep track of architect layer status. Use Restore On/Off Status to bring back.

Layer Isolate: The AutoCAD LAYISO command**.** Pick objects to Isolate their layers or enter S to change the settings. Non-Isolated layers can be turned off or locked and faded. Layer Unisolate to reverse.

Pick Lock/Pick Unlock: Pick the drawing entities whose layers you would like to LOCK or UNLOCK.

Delete All on a Layer: Pick a drawing entity and all objects on its layer will be deleted. The layer itself remains in the drawing.