Layer(s) affected: None
Alias: None
Associated Commands: [Coupling Setup] [Single Coupling] [Custom Coupling] [Ell/Tee] [Multiple Couplings]
Used to open the fitting takeout table for editing. You can use this to insert a new block with the coupling commands or to specify a new fitting type. Select the Takeouts command and the fitting table will appear:
It is IMPERATIVE that any modifications you make to this table end up in the same format. Make sure that the numbers end up in the columns and lines as they are shown in the table. DO NOT make any new entries, you may only modify existing ones. The highlighted example above is for a 2 ½” grooved 900 Elbow or Tee. The entry is as follows:
25 65 0.09500 2\ 3.75000
The 25 is an inventory size code which is used by the HydraLIST program. The 65 is the nominal metric diameter of 65mm. The 0.09500 is the metric takeout value which is 0.095 meters. The 2\ represents 2 ½” nominal diameter. Note that a “ \” represents ½”, and a “[” represents ¼”. The 3.75000 is the fitting takeout in inches.
Before you make any modifications to this file, you should first save it to another location so that you can reload it in case of editing errors. The most common modifications will be to the takeout values. Change these with the keyboard. Pull down the File menu at the top of the screen and select Save. HydraCAD will now use the revised takeouts for any new coupling insertions.
*Note* – Changing the takeouts here will not affect the takeouts used during AutoList. Contact Hydratec for help with the AutoList takeouts.
HydraCARDs (Troubleshooting)
For HydraCARDs regarding Takeouts: [Click Here]